At Salon 27 we offer a range of facial , massage & body treatments. The Shrinking Violet Fat Reduction inch loss treatment has been clinically proven to reduce body fat by 2.5% with one treatment, with many clients losing 6-12″ off their whole body with just 1 treatment or dropping a full dress size. One session lasts 75-90 minutes and consist of a fat reduction lotion being applied to the whole body focusing on problem areas such as abdomens, bottom, hips, thighs etc, the body is then wrapped in a heat conducting wrap and placed on a heated bed for 45-60 minutes to allow the lotion to be absorbed into the body. Full results take place between 24-72 hours following the treatment.
Are you looking for a pain-free treatment to help shape your body? Visit Salon Twenty Seven in Barrowford today.
Whether you want to get ready for a special occasion or are looking for regular beauty services, we have got it all covered. All our beauty treatments are carried out by our professional and qualified therapists. We use only high-quality products from the leading brands. To book your appointment, visit our salon or call us today.
The Shrinking Violet Fat Reduction inch loss treatment involves an application of our special fat reduction, lotion and wrap process that can successfully remove fat in problem areas, such as thighs, buttocks and around the abdomen. The fat contained within the cells are broken down and then painlessly excreted by the body.
Shrinking Violet Fat Reduction inch loss treatment is quite powerful. A 60-minute session can shrink waistlines significantly. The amount varies depending on your build, but some people can shrink by up to one whole size after the initial treatment.
Immediate results will be seen
Maximum results within 24 – 72 hours
The special lotion is first applied to the whole body with a gentle massage, You are wrapped up, kept warm and snug on our beauty bed for a relaxing 60 minutes, some clients may feel a slight itch or tingling sensation but for most it is a fantastic relaxing experience.
Maybe a slight increase in urination for one to two days after treatments
It is an excellent jumpstart to a new, slimmer you. For fat cells to come back, new cells would have to form and that would only happen if you continue to eat excess calories. Combining the Shrinking Violet fat reduction treatment with healthy eating and exercise will give optimum results
Problem areas can be treated every 7 days
It depends on individuals. Shrinking Violet can be used in a few different ways: